When Did You First Fall in Love with Howard University?
My Bison Love Affair started at Morgan State

Let me tell you a quick story about Howard University, Bison Love, friendship, and why it all matters more to me than anyone could ever imagine. I know that ‘quick’ and ‘story’ are not usually two words you’re used to hearing from me. Trust me. Anyway, My Mom and Dad met at Morgan State. I spent summers, holidays and yes chilly Fall weekends in Baltimore. All I ever wanted, after graduating from Camden Catholic High School, was to go to Morgan. My God, the way my parents interacted with people they’ve known for over 20 years was everything to me. It defined Black Love, before Black Love was a mainstream term. As a black kid, who grew up in Cherry Hill NJ, a white, suburban neighborhood what could be a better way to start the next phase of my life. Yes, I love my experience in Cherry Hill. I love going back there. I love everything about South Jersey. But I wanted more.

When it came time to pick an institute of higher learning, my list was short: Morgan, Morehouse, and Howard. My dad saw the list. Had a talk with me and crushed my dreams — so I thought. He said, “Morgan is not the same Morgan as it was when your Mother and I were there.” (GASP!) “Nooo, Ricky. No. It’s not right, is it?” my Mom asked in disbelief. Pop said, “Flo, Mark would have a much better and more well-rounded experience at Howard.” (GASP!) Anyway, the next day, my papers were mailed. A few weeks later, the first acceptance letter came. It was from Howard. (BOOM!) Done deal. I was ready to go. That was 1985.
In 2005, the fellas, the dudes, my brothers from other Mothers, did what would seem impossible today. We organized a reunion using ONLY postal mail, some email, and phone calls. (UNREAL! I KNOW, RIGHT?) Anyway, we had a party Friday at Cafe Nema on U Street, hung out on The Yard Saturday and capped it off with brunch at the Kennedy Center on Sunday. When I tell you my time at Howard was the best experience of my life, it’s not being overly dramatic. This is real. This is a family. This is home.
So, as we celebrate Howard University’s Sesquicentennial, let me say, “I’m so glad, I went to Howard U!”